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Marketing & Communications Awards
Click here to start an entry for one of the following categories:
Annual/Biennial Report - This award honors outstanding efforts in presenting material for an annual/biennial report. Entries should showcase both informative copy and engaging design with the purpose of informing the target audience. To enter, upload single PDF file or provide URL to the online document.
Educational Resources - This award honors outstanding educational materials, including—but not limited to—online learning modules, digital or printed resources, manuals, handbooks, history books, conference workbooks, etc. Entries should showcase both informative copy and engaging design with the purpose of educating the target audience. To enter, upload single PDF file or provide URL to the online document.
Promotional Resources - This award honors an outstanding printed or digital promotional piece, such as a brochure, poster, social graphic, email, or other project that publicizes the organization, an event, program, or product. Entries should demonstrate how persuasive copy and engaging design work together to promote a call to action.
Alumni/Alumnae Engagement Effort - This award honors outstanding efforts to inform, educate, solicit, or engage alumni/alumnae members through a printed, digital or online single effort or campaign. Entries should include an addendum outlining the background or purpose of the effort, provide relevant metrics/analytics, and list positive outcomes resulting from the effort.
Event Branding - This award honors the outstanding execution of seamless branding across all touchpoints related to the attendee experience. Entries should include an event overview, provide relevant metrics/analytics, images or document files of branded deliverables, and list any positive outcomes resulting from the effort in the form.
Merchandise Promotion - This award honors the outstanding promotion of licensed merchandise (e.g., seasonal or anniversary items) or opportunity (e.g. a pop-up shop, special promotions, wine club launch, etc.). Entries should include the URL (if applicable) and a single PDF including an image of the creative asset(s) (e.g., social media post, email banner, magazine ad, etc.), as well as analytics and/or outcomes resulting from the effort.
Video Presentation - Short - This award honors outstanding efforts in video production up to 3 minutes on a topic relevant to the intended audience. Entries should demonstrate creativity and originality and must include a URL to easily view within an internet browser.
Video Presentation - Long - This award honors outstanding efforts in video production longer than 3 minutes on a topic relevant to the intended audience. Entries should demonstrate creativity and originality and must include a URL to easily view within an internet browser.
Social Media Strategy & Engagement - This category honors outstanding social media strategy and execution, including engagement across social media platforms, regardless of the organization's size and the platforms used. Entries should include URLs to all platforms, as well as relevant data to demonstrate the success of each platform used. Submit one PDF of no more than three pages to provide relevant insights, objectives, approach, analytics (as reported by the platform’s native reporting tool) and examples of successful posts.
Specific Purpose Website, Microsite or Blog - This award honors outstanding efforts in communication for a specific purpose through a website. These include—but are not limited to—websites for convention, entries for extension/expansion or provisional chapter site, a specific fundraising campaign, supplemental or digital magazine microsite, merchandise boutique, Day of Giving dashboard, blog site, etc. Entries should include a URL to the website and a statement of intent, objectives and outcomes. No additional uploads are recommended.
Blog Post or Newsletter Article - This award honors the outstanding writing of a single blog post or newsletter article intended to educate, inspire, or enrich the reader. Entries should include a URL to the post or article and a statement of intent. No additional uploads are recommended.
Print or Digital Newsletter - This award honors the outstanding writing and design of a recurring publication intended for a limited audience (e.g., volunteers, collegiate officers, foundation donors, etc.). Entries should include 2-4 newsletter URLs or a PDF of 2-4 issues sent during the 2024 calendar year.
Publication Improvement – Non-Magazine - This award honors outstanding efforts to improve an existing printed multipage document, such as a manual, handbook, workbook, etc. The document must have undergone significant change during 2024. Entries should include examples from both the previous and current publication, as well as additional information regarding objectives and other considerations. No other uploads are recommended.
Website Improvement - This award honors outstanding major improvements to an organization’s website. The website must have undergone significant content and design changes during 2024. Entries should include a URL to the website and additional information regarding objectives and other considerations.
Excellence in Digital Integrated Marketing - This award honors excellence in cohesively integrated marketing across multiple channels to deliver an impactful message or compelling call to action. Campaign touchpoints should include at least two of the following channels: email, video, social media, and website. Entries should include examples of work, insights and engagement with supporting data, a description of the audience, strategy overview, objectives and outcomes, and other considerations. All work and supporting documents should be combined into a single PDF of no more than 12 pages. Examples of past winning entries include—but are not limited to—Day of Giving campaign, alumnae dues campaign, Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign, membership assessment launch, etc.
William C. Levere Award for Total Communication - This award honors the top comprehensive communications plan and execution—with a variety of meaningful touchpoints—intended for a single purpose, such a launching new organizational brand. Entries should include examples of work produced and/or distributed during the 2024 calendar year. For campaigns that span across calendar years, materials from previous years may be used to support the total campaign effort but must be labeled as such. All work and supporting documents should be combined into a single PDF of no more than 12 pages. Examples of past winning entries include—but are not limited to—major anniversary celebrations, a capital fundraising campaign, new chapter installation, etc.