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Magazine Excellence Awards

Click here to start an entry for one of the following categories: 

Writing – Feature (long) - This award honors outstanding writing of a feature article up to 1,000 words. Judges will review the text only. Submit a PDF containing only the text of the article—all photos and graphics must be removed. For awards presentation purposes, submit a JPG of the article, as published in its original form.

Writing – Feature (short) - This award honors outstanding writing of a feature article of more than 1,000 words. Judges will review the text only. Submit a PDF containing only the text of the article—all photos and graphics must be removed. For awards presentation purposes, submit a JPG of the article, as published in its original form.

Writing – Member Profile - This award honors outstanding writing of a profile article of any length. It should focus on a single person or people aligned by a common theme. Well-written profiles can educate, inspire, or enrich the reader. Judges will review the text only. Submit a PDF containing only the text of the article—all photos and graphics must be removed. For awards presentation purposes, submit a JPG of the article, as published in its original form.

Design – Feature Layout - This award honors the outstanding layout design of a magazine article no fewer than 3 pages in length. Submit a PDF of the entire article, as published in its original form.

Story Packaging (1-3 pages) - This award honors the ability to combine outstanding writing and design to tell a story. The layout should include graphics, sidebar(s), and/or other visual elements beyond the primary article. Submit a PDF of the entire article, as published in its original form.

Story Packaging (4+ pages) - This award honors the ability to combine outstanding writing and design to tell a story. The layout should include graphics, sidebar(s), and/or other visual elements beyond the primary article. Entries for in-house layouts must have been designed by full-time HQ staff but may include outside elements such as photos or illustrations. Submit a PDF of the entire article, as published in its original form.
Publication Improvement - Magazine - This award honors outstanding efforts to improve an existing magazine. The publication must have undergone significant change during the 2024 calendar year. Submit a PDF of at least one fully redesigned issue and at least one previous issue from 2023.

Fred F. Yoder Award for Magazine Excellence - This award is given for overall, cover-to-cover excellence of all magazine issues published within the 2024 calendar year. Submit a PDF of all 2024 issues combined into one file
